Mar 29, 2020The DrivewayDRESSING UP OUR DRIVEWAYAt the north west corner of our property lies the apple storage barn built in the early 1970s and for which we had outline planning...
Mar 29, 2020The BarnSOME EXTERIOR COSMETICSWith the concrete shuttering built it was time for the ready mix truck to do its thing. Given we were still in winter at the time, and it...
Jan 28, 2020The BarnSLATES ON, WINDOWS IN, DRAINAGE DONEWith the building now strengthened internally it was time to slate the roof, but not before installing the Velux roof window for the...
Jan 28, 2020The MillOUR 'GRAND DESIGN'So, to the big one... this is the most major of our projects and hopefully the most fun even though it will likely also be the most...
Dec 18, 2019The BarnMAKING THE BUILDING WATERTIGHT AND STRONGERWith the ridge, purlins and wall plates installed the rafters could start to go on. These are 145 x 47 C16 timbers and were placed at 400...