In late May we had taken the decision to demolish the bungalow completely to make the build easier, but now the time was upon us to start doing it the psychology of the situation kicked in and we found it a very difficult to actually start. I think as we had lived in it for four happy years we saw it as our home and even though we were in the process of making it into a better one we didn’t find it easy to knock something down that was full of happy memories. That said, we knew logically it was the right thing to do so (still with a bit of a lump in our throats) we set about razing it to the ground. The demolition was to be done in a number of stages:
All plants moved from around the building.
Windows/doors removed (and put aside for potential re-sale).
Internal stud walls removed and all plasterboard ceilings dropped and removed.
The tiles, felt and batten taken off with the tiles kept for hardcore.
The roof trusses taken off (and put aside for potential re-sale).
All brick/block walls knocked down and kept for hardcore to be crushed and used on car park and patio/path areas.
Site fully cleared for start of re-building.
The demolition commenced on 12/06/2022 and the remainder of this blog entry is fairly picture heavy showing these stages.
Plants being removed from around the building.
Windows/doors removed.
Internal stud walls removed.
Roof tiles, felt and battens removed.
Roof trusses being taken off.
The brick/block walls being knocked down.
And so one week later on 20/06/2022 the bungalow was gone, the site was ready for construction to commence and materials had started to arrive.

This was a very good milestone to reach, especially for me as I was struggling with the demolition anyway (as mentioned above), but also I am naturally adverse to destruction and much prefer building things up to knocking them down. The fact that we could now start re-building was therefore a huge positive for both of us from a psychological perspective and it also meant I could go back to looking forward to being on site whereas the last week I was not finding it much fun.