We had been looking for somewhere to put in a small vegetable garden (mainly for growing some fruit) and had a bit of unallocated grass between the potting shed and the driveway so decided this would be a good candidate especially due to its proximity to the aforementioned shed. We stripped the turf off and realised we had a lot of clay based soil (and bricks that we dug out) which was actually at quite a low level, but with us needing to remove quite a bit of top soil from round the barn in order to be able to level that out it was the perfect opportunity to bolster the vegetable patch with some good soil from there. At the same time we wanted to build a gravel path from the garage/potting shed area to the driveway and adjacent to this install a new fence.
As such copious manual digging and levelling took place and then we installed six gravel access strips and the path by edging them with half sleepers/gravel boards with full sleepers on the driveway and filling them with 20mm gravel. The soil was then raked back around them, levelled and mulched, The new fence adjacent to the new path was installed using half round posts, square rails and stock wire mesh and in no time at all the vegetable garden was born.
Some pictures of the fence and vegetable garden construction in progress.